American National Insurance

Accounting Intern

March - July 2019 • League City, TX

What I liked

I really enjoyed the company culture, and all the coworkers were very understanding and willing to teach me what they did in a way that was understandable. There was also social events with the other interns which was also very enjoyable.

What I wish was different

Sometimes I didn't feel involved in some of the projects my department was doing.


Be willing to learn. At first some of the terminology might not make much sense, but as you get used to what your department does and learning the concepts, it gets much better.
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Accounting Intern

April - June 2019 • League City, TX

What I liked

The company treats their employees very well. Their culture is also very enjoyable and more laid back in terms of attire also.

What I wish was different

More chances to get involved in the accounting projects the team I was in had going.


Don't be afraid to apply for this internship. The interview process was wonderful.
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