Management Consulting Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

PwC took the initiative to welcome all their interns, settle them in, and taught them the skills they needed to excel in the job (i.e., digital upscaling - Tableau and Alteryx training).

What I wish was different

More freedom to explore other industries versus only staying in one.


Be vocal, refer to past projects, and continuously ask a question when in doubt.
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Tax Intern

June - August 2019 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I liked that I had the opportunity to network with several Merrimack alumni that work in the firm. It was really great to be able to get their perspectives on what it is like to work at the firm. I also liked that I had the opportunity to shadow different employees from different lines of service and different industries within that line of service. This helped me to see where I could potentially start my career. I was also given a peer coach, a career coach, and a relationship coach. These individuals were there to answer any questions that I had, provided me with guidance, helped me to set up networking opportunities, and helped me to seek other opportunities within the firm.

What I wish was different

The only thing that I wish had been different was my commute. I spent roughly 3 hours round trip getting to the office.


If you have the opportunity to pursue an internship at PwC, I strongly encourage you to network as much as possible while you are at the firm. You can network with different alumni from you school as well as other individuals who work in an area that interests you. The more you network the more you get to see the different opportunities in the firm. It also helps you to show your interest in working for the company.
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Tax Process Specialist

January - April 2019 • Tampa, FL

What I liked

What I liked about this internship was that I felt as though I had a similar role to those that were hired as full-time employees. I was never once treated or considered as a lower-ranked employee because I was an intern. Rather, I and the full-time employees were assigned on the same engagements and assignments, with the same expectations for tax returns and corrections. I was able to attend all of the same training and offered the same resources as those that were full-time. If anything, I enjoyed that I completed similar work and learned similar knowledge to that of a full-time employee that if I had accepted the full-time offer, I would have felt prepared for the transition.

What I wish was different


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IFS Start Intern

June - July 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The Start Intern at PricewaterhouseCoopers in the New York metro area allowed me to become a better professional within six weeks. “Be well, work well” are exercises practiced throughout the company that allows employees to bring his or her whole self to work. These exercises made me realize that sometimes you have to step back and take a break from the overload of work. I was also able to step outside my comfort zone and learn things that I did not know.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have connected more with associates and asked many more questions.


Some great advice I learned along the summer is keeping in contact with everyone you meet because you are building your network.
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Risk Assurance Intern

June - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

The internship experience was a one of a kind learning experience. Interns are treated just like normal staff and given real tasks. You get a true idea of what it might be like full-time.

What I wish was different

Nothing, great experience.


Apply and try to get in even if you don't think you'll be able to. Also fully immerse yourself in the social and development opportunities to learn, network and gain more soft-skills.
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Start Intern

June - July 2019 • Miami, FL

What I liked

I liked that everything was on campus. My interview the career fair, everything. I live on campus so it made my dream seem achievable. I also loved the culture of the people. They are so outgoing and welcoming.

What I wish was different

I wish there was better advertisement for the deadline for resumes and the requirements. I wasn’t sure about that but I figured it out.


Be prepared and don’t procrastinate. Go to resume critiquing and mock interviews. It helps sooooo much.
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Technology Consulting Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I liked that the project I was involved in gave me a very accurate and realistic perspective on what the technology consultant lifestyle was like on a daily basis.

What I wish was different


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Cybersecurity Consultant

October 2018 - March 2019 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

The team I worked with was very flexible and let me work on things that interested me. If I wanted to work on or learn something new, my team supported me and provided the resources to do so. They treated me like a member of the team and not just an intern, and valued my opinion on decisions for the company.

What I wish was different

This was a consulting job, but I worked on the same client for the entire 6 month co-op. This wasn't an issue at all as I really liked the client and the project, but it would have been interesting to see another client with a different project scope.


The more initiative you take, the more the people you work with will support you and trust you with greater responsibilities.
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Advisory Associate Intern

June - August 2019 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

real-life work with full-time teams, access to higher-level management, approachability of full-time employees

What I wish was different

sometimes the work was slow, i wish i could have worked more overtime


be open to learning new skills
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IFS Intern

June - July 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Many opportunities and different projects to work on. We were trained on how to use Alteryx and Tableau which proved to be very useful. A massive company with a lot of people to meet and network with. Great city to experience and learn in.

What I wish was different

I found the work not very challenging and we had little exposure to full time employees. Our project were with teams of interns and I only saw my supervisor about 3 times all summer. I also did not enjoy the culture of the company. As the company is so large, everything is very regimented and it seemed that you get very little personal feedback or performance reviews.


Great way to see all lines of services in the firm and meet a wide range of people.
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Automation Intern

June - August 2019 • Tampa, FL

What I liked

It was a fantastic team that valued my work and focused on helping me learn new technologies.

What I wish was different

As I was one of the team's first-ever interns, sometimes they didn't have as much to do for me.


Don't be afraid to dive into any opportunity they give you. They want you to learn about new technologies and software. Volunteer to help with new projects.
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Transfer Pricing Intern

June - August 2019 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

The TP team is super supportive and office culture was very empowering. People from all lines of service are very friendly and they do a great job of exposing you to everything PwC can offer as a future employer. There are various intern activities planned during the summer to get you out of the office. There is also a great opportunity to be proactive and seek out work to really learn what the job would look like as a full time employee.

What I wish was different


Be curious and ask a lot of questions. If there is a time where you feel like you do not have a lot to do then go seek new projects/opportunities. It is a great way to learn but also will help in your evaluation at the end of the internship. Get to know the people in your team and lean on them for answers.
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Assurance Intern

January - March 2019 • Philadelphia, PA

What I liked

The chance to explore the innerworkings of a public company along with applying the knowledge I had learned in class was great.

What I wish was different

I wish there'd been more guidance/explanation as to how the current task I'm doing relates to the big picture, this would've allowed me to get a better conceptual understanding of my task.


Take the time to connect with the people you are interning with, do this in every possible way you can. Be sure to ask meaningful questions for a better understanding and also take notes when being given the rundown on how to complete the task you're doing.
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Core Assurance Intern

June - August 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

There were many different client teams to work on in multiple industries, allowing for a well-rounded internship. Everyone in the office was extremely helpful and enjoyable to work with. I learned a lot about the process of auditing through training and hands-on experience.

What I wish was different


Have an open mind and take advantage of every opportunity to learn new things!
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Digital Risk Solutions Intern

June - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I liked that we learned how to use different tools such as Alteryx and Piwer BI. Everyone at the company wants to help you succeed. The culture is very accepting and flexible.

What I wish was different

I wish the interns got to experience a wider variety of tasks and job experiences.


Be willing to learn and network as much as you can.
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Start Intern

June - July 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I appreciated the opportunity to network with numerous individuals in a variety of accounting fields. The culture is very friendly and everybody is willing to help. I learned a lot about Alteryx and Tableau as they are heavily used in the field of accounting.

What I wish was different


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Accounting Intern

January - March 2019 • Pittsburgh, PA

What I liked

I loved having the hands on experience and I was in charge of cash and cash equivalents in the audit. It was nice to be trusted with this part of the audit and I proved to my audit team that I could do it.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have extended my internship into April, so I was working all the way up until I started my summer semester.


Always ask questions and never hold back. Your audit team wants to help you!
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=Start Intern

June - July 2019 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

I liked that I actually had the opportunity to learn and utilize different softwares that are actually used on a day to day basis. It made me feel as though I was one step ahead for life in the accounting field after graduation. Got the opportunity to network with many different people and got great advice.

What I wish was different

I wish it was longer. I had an amazing time.


I feel less nervous about graduating. I feel as though I have an idea on where i'm headed and after all of the amazing advise I was given I know what steps to take to achieve the personal goals that I have.
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Assurance Intern

June - August 2019 • Florham Park, NJ

What I liked

I really liked the people that I worked with. I had the ability to work with a smaller engagement team so I had the opportunity to form a strong connection with the people I worked with on a daily basis. In addition to this, I had the opportunity to apply the concepts I learned in class to real life situations.

What I wish was different

I do not wish anything was different. My internship experience was very enjoyable.


The main takeaway from this internship that I would like to share is that great communication skills is the greatest asset you can bring to a work environment. When you are able to connect and communicate better with the people you work with it ultimately makes work more enjoyable for everyone.
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Tax Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I liked the culture at the firm and how willing everyone was to assist me with any questions/ concerns I may have had. The internship was a great experience to gain exposure to Tax and provided an excellent opportunity to interact with clients.

What I wish was different


Network as much as you can throughout the internship and don't be afraid to ask questions!
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