Risk Assurance Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I enjoyed being able to work at client locations and got to work closely with a high executive at 1 of my Fortune 500 clients. PwC will provide you with all the opportunity in the world if you put in the time and effort. They did a great job at training us and getting us prepared to be out in the working world with true professionals.

What I wish was different


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Core Assurance Intern

June - August 2019 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

I had a lot of hands-on experience with auditing in the tech sector. My teams provided me with a lot of support and PwC conducted roughly 2 weeks of training and one 4 day trip to Disney World (one day at the park itself but a concert and interesting seminars).

What I wish was different

I had a great experience, however some of my friends had no assignments for the whole summer. They still learned about the company but didn't get the hands-on experience they wanted.


Be upfront with your coach and buddy. If you are having an issue they are there to help you and will be receptive.
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Internal Firm Service Intern

June - July 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Tableau and Alterix Training, shadowing opportunities, easy networking opportunities

What I wish was different


reach out to as many employees as possible to learn about the various lines of service PwC offers
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Tax Intern

June - August 2019 • Tampa, FL

What I liked

Liked the experience I was able to get and the exposure of day-to-day life of a tax professional

What I wish was different


To be open-minded and learn as much as you can
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Assurance Intern

June - August 2019 • Philadelphia, PA

What I liked

The people I worked with and the clients I worked for

What I wish was different

The work. I did not like the work.


Keep your mind open about your internship. Don't be afraid to ask questions, it is the only thing that will help you understand more.
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Risk Management Intern

July - August 2019 • Hong Kong, Hong Kong

What I liked

What I like the most in this intern is the real life experience of working for one of the big four accounting firms. As an accounting major this experience has given me a wider understanding of the career I am pursuing. In my intern I had to chance to work with three different teams. In one team I worked for Hilton Hotel in Hong Kong, in another team our client is TownGas which is a known gas provider in Hong Kong and the last client I worked for is a Law Firm. I aspire to work for one of the big four accounting firms after I graduate, my internship experience is very helpful for my advantage because in job interviews I can now confidently build an answer base on this experience, such as what to expect from the job.

What I wish was different

Since I worked in Hong Kong, although PwC's language is in English, I wish that I knew how to speak Cantonese or mandarin. The ability to do so would have been so helpful when I am socializing.


My one piece of advice is learn to work with teams. Make sure to display your willingness to work and get to know the team you will be working with. It is always a lot easier and fun to work with people who knows how to cooperate and communicate with others.
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Technology Consulting Intern

June - August 2019 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

Great people, good pay, gave me an offer.

What I wish was different

Wish they had followed through with my welcome visit after getting my internship offer.


If you want to get into PwC consulting, go to their events and network with the recruiter.
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Start intern

June - July 2019 • Houston, TX

What I liked

Loved the company culture and the way the company helps it’s interns with their futures. They never leave you alone and you are constantly learning something new everyday. You are able to engage with various people in positions ranging from associate to partner. Everyone is willing to share and give insight on how you can become better.

What I wish was different

I’m the internship there was a lot of freedom. No one really checked on you every single day. It’s not necessarily a bad thing because PwC expects you to get the work done and they don’t micro manage, but sometimes I do wish we had someone with us everyday.


Make sure you network as much as you can. PwC gives you a lot of freedom. The internship is very independent and you don’t take advantage of it you may get bored. There is always a learning opportunity available. Go talk with a partner or a first year worker to make sure you really get experience about the company. Never be afraid to ask questions . You are there to learn so no question is a dumb one. People appreciate scholars who are always asking questions because it shows you want to be there.
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Audit Intern

June - August 2019 • Philadelphia, PA

What I liked

I was able to gain an understanding of the audit profession with the assistance of my various engagement teams. I was also able to form strong connections with my intern class. Through this internship I was able to network with other interns from different schools and PwC staff which gave me a more diverse perspective of the accounting industry. PwC allowed me to expand my horizons and become comfortable with being uncomfortable.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had known more about the audit profession (in relation to the knowledge of others from different universities) and had a broader understanding about the software programs used.


Say yes! I feel that I was able to learn more by saying yes to new client opportunities or projects from my line of service peers. By doing so, I was able to interact with more clients and expose myself to different PwC professionals outside of my engagement teams.
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Audit Intern

June - August 2019 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I got to meet many different people of all different levels from intern to partner. I also got to work on multiple clients and got a lot of hands on experience that will be applicable when I start full time. I also got to travel to Texas for a client which was a unique experience.

What I wish was different

Commuting can be difficult because you may have to report to different places every day. As an intern it can be harder to plan for this because you are just being placed into as many places as possible to try to get experience.


It is important to bring a good attitude and be willing to learn. For the internship, technical knowledge and proficiency is not as important because you are not expected to be a master in each area.
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Assurance Intern

June - August 2019 • Houston, TX

What I liked

The exposure to the world of public accounting and the opportunities to learn everyday and work with different industries.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have done it longer.


Be a sponge, and do not be afraid to make a mistake and speak up.
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Valuations Intern

June - August 2019 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I learned a ton not only about finance and accounting, but soft skills like asking questions and communicating effectively.

What I wish was different

I would have liked more time on projects, but that was just a product of the timing of my internship.


Always ask questions! You will never know everything and someone will aways know more than you about a specific topic, so it’s important to keep learning.
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Risk Assurance Intern

June - August 2019 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

I enjoyed all of the benefits of the firm and how it is well known and respected.

What I wish was different

I wish I knew what I was actually going to be doing more because it was not at all what I expected.


Network as much as possible to really understand what it is you like and want to get into. Don't spend too much time or you will miss opportunities, but you need to do your research so you have a good idea about what you are getting into.
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Consulting Actuarial Intern

June - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

The company culture and being in Chicago was fabulous.

What I wish was different

I wish I would've had more information on what I would be doing work-wise over the summer before starting.


I would tell future candidates to expose themselves to all different types of clients if working in that type of job. It helps you grasp the magnitude of the company's book of business.
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Public Accounting Intern

June - August 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I liked the coaching that I received.

What I wish was different

I wish I was able to have an extended internship.


It is important to ask questions and show up on time.
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Tax Intern

June - August 2019 • Denver, CO

What I liked

What I wish was different


Network with as many people as you can and find out as much about the different areas within your line of service as possible.
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Industry Tax Practice Intern

June - August 2019 • Boston, MA

What I liked

Great people with a lot of exposure to new concepts that we’re not necessarily part of my academic classes.

What I wish was different

The commute took a toll on me throughout the course of the summer but the close you live to the city, the better it is.


Try to connect and meet with as many people as you can to make sure you make the most of it. There are very intelligent people at the firm that can help you throughout your professional career.
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Risk Assurance Intern

June - August 2019 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

I loved the people I worked with, they were always willing to help. They taught me so much over the three month internship. Additionally, the feedback segments were really important for my own personal development. I first had to summarize the tasks I completed, which were then reviewed and graded by an Associate I was working with, and finally they were sent to my career coach. My career coach would then have a sit-down meeting with me where we would discuss how I was doing and what I can do to be better. I think PwC has a strong belief of continuous improvement, and that is something I love. There is always more learning and more skills that you can add to become a better individual.

What I wish was different

I wish it could have been longer! I am very excited and grateful to receive a full-time offer (which I accepted). I can't wait to be a part of the team.


Be ready to learn and make mistakes! Don't feel like you can't ask questions, every single person is available and willing to help. No question is a dumb question, it is dumb to not ask any questions.
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Start intern

June - July 2019 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

The associates at PwC were very kind and helpful. I learned so much throughout my time there and grew immensely over the course of two months. I also really enjoyed training as we got the opportunity to go to Atlanta! During the trip, we enhanced our professional skills and also grew as individuals.

What I wish was different

I wish it could’ve been longer because I truly enjoyed my time there.


My advice is to anyone going to PwC to be ready to learn and soak up as much information as possible. Also, to be ready for personal and professional growth because you will receive a lot of that!
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Accounting Intern

June - August 2019 • Kansas City, MO

What I liked

I enjoyed the atmosphere and culture of the office. Everyone had a welcoming presence and there were plenty of activities that we attended as interns that helped us get to know the people within the firm and create relationships with our peers. Although there was not a lot of work for us tax interns to do, I would say that I had a great experience and was able to have to chance to come back next summer to pursue an audit internship.

What I wish was different

One thing that I wish would have been different, which may sound silly, is that they provided parking for us. Us interns had to pay for our own parking downtown and it was a process trying to find the cheapest parking around. Every dollar counts!


One piece of advice that I would share about my experience would be to ask questions. No question is a dumb question. These people do not expect you to know everything and the more questions you ask to more the more interested you come off.
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