Swoop Tutors


February 2023 • Burlington, VT

What I liked

Swoop Tutors is great to work with because they handle all the scheduling for the tutors! The onboarding process was also very easy. I had to select a location for the job in order to write this review but all the tutoring I've done for the company has been remote work. This is an ongoing part-time job for me (it didn't have that as an option so I had to select "summer job").

What I wish was different

Honestly, so far I've had a positive experience and there isn't much room for improvement!


I wish there was more work available. So far I've tutored two students (and only one of them was a regular). The company itself is great; some tutors probably have way more hours than I do, and naturally tutoring during the summer is less common than during the school year.
1 One person found this helpful


March 2023 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

I liked the organization of the company. We communicated on Slack which was helpful in scheduling tutoring sessions with students.

What I wish was different

I wish I had direct communication with the students so I could talk to them about their progress in between our tutoring sessions.


It is important to always be up to date with the schedule and be prepared prior to the sessions by reviewing the slides/worksheets.
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February - May 2023 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

Easy interview, friendly staff, flexible scheduling.

What I wish was different

More transparency on which specific subjects are needed. When I applied on handshake, the position said Computer Science tutor. At the last moment, it was mentioned stats was also needed.


Be prepared to not just help with homework, but also tutoring from the bottom up with concepts using a student's notes from class. Be prepared for exam preparations for students by creating practice exams for them. Understand and be on the same page with the teacher's expectations, parents' expectations and student's expectations.
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Swoop Tutor

September 2021 • Fort Worth, TX

What I liked

I love working for Swoop Tutors! Everyone is so nice and the schedule is very flexible. It is such a wonderful job, especially for college students with a busy schedule. I could not recommend this company enough!

What I wish was different

Nothing! Their structure and work environment is great!


Get to know your supervisor! They are so friendly and helpful. They really want the best for their employees and the students.
1 One person found this helpful


November 2022 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The flexible schedule and accommodation from the team is great. Everyone is super helpful, address any issues quickly and thoroughly, and provide all the support that tutors may need. The convenience of being able to create a schedule solely based on my availability and the sessions being online make it an ideal situation as a full time student.

What I wish was different

It could be helpful to be able to have a quick chat with a new student before the first lesson. Since the sessions are only an hour, there's limited time for introductions before getting straight to the lesson, and having an extra 15 minutes or so to go into more detail with them on their learning style and academic needs beforehand would maximize how helpful I can be right from the start.


It's important to be engaging since the sessions are done remotely. Asking questions to lead a student to an answer rather than lecturing them will make each session a more collaborative and fulfilling experience for both you and them.
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September 2022 • Winston-Salem, NC

What I liked

I really like how I can book tutoring sessions around my schedule and what works best for me. I have found management to be very good at communicating, checking in with me daily, and understanding that my schedule as a college student is very busy and I can't tutor all the time. I have been able to work with management to find a schedule that works great with me. This has been a great way to do what I love - help children learn - in a very relaxed and organized environment.

What I wish was different

I wish I knew about Swoop earlier!


Sign up for swoop as soon as possible! I thought I wouldn't have enough time as a college student to have a job, but Swoop makes it really easy to balance my class schedule and workload, as well as make money tutoring.
1 One person found this helpful


October - November 2022 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Loved how communicative they were! I also loved the fact that everything was online. I discovered that I really love tutoring and meeting with different students to help them reach their goals. Also, the interview process was really easy and non-anxiety-inducing.

What I wish was different

I wish the pay was a little more, haha but still more than minimum wage.


It's best to do the problems beforehand if sent, and don't be afraid to look up problems online to make sure you are doing it right. Also, make sure the student understands the answer on their own, without your help.
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September 2022 • Fort Lauderdale, FL

What I liked

I really enjoy the flexibility of the schedule, it makes balancing school and work very easy. Communication is easy and direct, so employer needs are met quickly. The experience of educating is very valuable to both the tutor and student.

What I wish was different

I wish I had heard of the company sooner.


Find a time slot in your schedule that is consistently open, for the convenience of yourself and your student(s).
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October 2022 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The support from the team at Swoop Tutors is beyond amazing. I love being able to provide younger students with aid on their work and to develop their skills, and it is so helpful to have a team that is so supportive. From quick replies to any inquiries to providing materials for sessions, the team is so amazing and obviously have a passion for what they are doing.

What I wish was different

The only issue I have ever had has been technological issues which can't really be controlled. Swoop Tutors has done an excellent job with everything since I have been a part of this company.


Communication is key. This process is very enjoyable and rewarding, and communication makes everything go so smooth.
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Swoop Tutor

September 2022 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

I really enjoy the sense of fulfillment as I aid students to achieve their best in the classroom. It wasn't long ago that I was in their shoes. I wish I had a program like Swoop Tutors to help me! Furthermore, I particularly enjoy engaging with students and helping them realize that school work is not just this monotonous task, but rather can be applied to other areas of their life. For example, one of my students is passionate in skateboarding. Recently, I helped him understand his math topics conceptually by being able to relate it to his passions outside of the classroom. It was really a great feeling for both of us, a truly "Ah-ha!" moment.

What I wish was different

There is obviously an ongoing struggle with remote sessions and finding ways to keep students engaged. Sometimes, my students are late or simply forget about our sessions. However, the Swoop Tutors team is very communicative with their tutors and their students and this problem is always resolved!


Being able to provide help and guidance is a special feeling, and this job does just that! It is very flexible in scheduling, especially if you are a student yourself. What I've learned, however, is that you are also learning and growing from this experience too!
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January - May 2022 • Houston, TX

What I liked

This job was a smooth and stress-free addition to my schedule as a full time college student. I enjoyed the flexibility of the hours I tutored. There was efficient communication between swoop tutors, the clients, and myself.

What I wish was different

My only dislike has nothing to do with the program itself but with the occasional punctuality issues with my client however swoop tutors handled the direct communication with the clients and it didn't effect my wage for that session.


I would advise tutors to give their best effort to build a good relationship with their client better quality session and experience overall.
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